MyOstomy Podcast Series

People with ostomies share their stories to reflect, inspire, and encourage others.

Listening to Podcast

Listen to Eve, Chris, Kelly, Ed, Gill, and Alice talk about living life with a stoma.

In this podcast series, six people in the UK describe their challenges and breakthroughs with illness, symptom management, mental well-being, workplace conversations, and more. Each discussion helps to shine a light on the lived experience of illness, the positive impact stoma surgery can have, and the power of every person living with a stoma.



Host: Sue Lennon

Sue is a nurse, therapist, educator, and coach with nearly three decades of experience in oncology nursing – including urology and stoma care. She values nurse-patient communication and provides truly holistic care.

Podcast Episode #1: Overcoming Emotion With Courage and Strength


In this episode, Eve speaks about healing from cancer, recovering from stoma surgery, her treatment, and her journey to remission.

Eve is passionate about her beautiful family and puppy. Along with her husband, she lives an active lifestyle. She recently changed careers as a direct result of her experiences, and is looking forward to working as a Stoma Care Nurse.

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Podcast Episode #2: Helping Other Ostomates in Their Journey


In this episode you’ll meet Chris and Kelly, who found each other in an ostomy support group. They reflect upon the importance of the ostomy community as a positive influence on the healing process, and the need to receive and give support.

Chris is a father of two who spends his free time walking long distances in and around the North East of England. He has had a very complicated medical history, yet continues to have a positive outlook on life.

Kelly loves horses and spends much of her free time at the stables. She is also the proud mother of four amazing children who have supported her through the journey of accepting her stoma.


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Podcast Episode #3: Changing the Conversation in the Workplace


In this episode, Ed shares his experience of returning to work after stoma surgery and talks about how to deal with difficult conversations in the workplace.

Ed is a serving Custody Sergeant with the Cleveland Police living with a permanent ileostomy. He maintains a very active family and work life, and is passionate about bringing visibility to those living with an invisible illness.


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Podcast Episode #4: Empowering You to Own Your Journey


In this episode, Gill speaks about everything she has achieved since the traumatic birth of her son resulted in severe perinatal injuries and a permanent colostomy.

Gill takes part in triathlons and endurance activities, sky diving, scuba diving, and open water swimming. She is a passionate advocate for ostomates, believing that everyone can be active, happy, and live a fulfilling life with a stoma.


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Podcast Episode #5: Healing is a Journey – Invest in Yourself!

In this episode, Alice shares her pregnancy experience with a stoma. She discusses her pre-natal highs and lows, and how her wonderful support network was vital to her journey.

Alice works for the UK’s Food Standards Agency. She is happily married, and her daughter is at the core of an active family life. She cares deeply about the environment, and her family often spends time exploring parks and wildlife, and “re-wilding” the local area.


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People who provided testimonials received compensation from Hollister Incorporated. The testimonials, statements, and opinions presented are applicable to the people depicted. These testimonials are representative of their experience, but the exact results and experience will be unique and individual to each person.